i like the way she dresses and her face, how her eyes are wide set. my grammy calls her a clotheshorse, but in a good way. my grammy said she needed to be all fancy. clotheshorses are defined as people who are overly concerned or obsessed with dressing fashionably. this may sound weird but if that is the actual meaning, i would like to consider myself to be one, and if i'm not already, i wanna be one.
... like coming out of one of my favorite diners veselka that i actually ate at tonight (andy was there earlier tonight with keegan and they saw her walk by the glass window), wearing a hot ass outfit, and carrying the village voice (which i just recently discovered is so good and fun and funny to read)! i wanna be her friend, and i'm gunna buy so much of her opening ceremony clothes line, i've been saving all my money up for it!
this is one of the books i have to read for one of my classes. my teacher wrote it. her name is vera and i really like that name. but this post is really about how i totally love the colors of this book cover. shades of pink and purple, light and dark. so pretty to my eye.