me in my hot ass jammy jams. i am wearing a pink marc jacobs t-shirt with winona ryder on it, naked for the cause of skin cancer. and those flannel boxers say "paul 11/18/00" and they are from my sister's first boyfriend's bar mitzvah, it was the give away. i have been wearing this outfit to lounge around the apartment and sleep in for about the past week. hahaha. andy took this pic, he will be responsible and credited for all of the pics to come. until the next outfit...
oh and get ready cause i'm working at the nylon anniversary party tomorrow night and have been assigned to take photos at the event, so i will show some! p.s. chloe s. is gunna be there cause she is one of the people on the april cover. and i will be wearing a dress she designed for her collection for opening ceremony. tomorrow nights outfit will be gooood.