this is the other presentation i went to last night, but it was more like a party.
the blonde model with the stipped shirt is named katty, i worked with her before and she is very nice and sweet.
this boob pic is for andy, but also mostly for eamon. i am glad i can do this for him. and ya there were nips slips throughout the entire presentation.
this guy reminded me of comedian zach galifinakis, except he was foreign. after the presentation, when everyone was standing outside, i heard him in conversation with these two girls he had just met when he said, i want to have sex with you and you.
i love that leopard hat! this model posed for me so i could get this pic of her. afterwards we nodded to each other. we are best friends now.
andy is just holding my drink, he's not drinking for the both of us, but eventually he did. the only drink they had were serving were like coconut flavored mojitos, and they were free!
this photo came out really great. andy and i kept talking about this girls shoes so we wanted a pic and we got it, in between a guy's legs, while she was dancing. andy also had a major crush on her.
i want to wear and own everything from this collection! i love the style so much. i like this sort of presentation more than a runway show in some ways because you actually get to look and see and study the clothes for longer and up close.
to be honest, i wasn't even sure if i would get into either show, let alone get andy in too, but it all worked out!
oh and i saw blair waldorf get off the elevator.
the after party was at a bar on the LES called mason dixon. it was kinda southern themed, with a mechanical bull and all. i drank whiskey sours and andy drank whiskey, while we watched fashionable people ride the bull and fall.
it was a very, very great night.