obviously, the kid is probably hers, but in my head i thought she was the baby sitter, cause she looked so young and skinny and relaxed and stylish and wearing really high heeled clogs for christ's sake! i basically never think anyone is old enough to have a kid. i first noticed her because she was saying really cute things to the kid, like funny phrases for how much she loved him. i kinda followed accross the street, i think she realized and when into a toy store because of it.
emma stone is so hilarious in this sketch, her faces, and she sounds exactly like juliette lewis, which is a voice i always find funny. so is the new guy, i watched it so many times. god i love accuracy in comedy, that's all i ever want from my comedy, accuracy. i also love depressing shit, like conferences/organizations/meetings that take place in those rooms in chain hotels that only get used for those types of things, even though they probably hoped something of a higher class would be using them when they were being built. i may be completely wrong.