kittens and cats

molly and i have this plan to foster kittens. if i like one i will adopt it and hopefully molly will too so that they can each have a friend. my only worry is that i will just want to hang around with it all day and nevr want to go to work once i get a full time job. i wish it would just stay a kitten. i think i want it to be a girl but i'm not sure. and i want her to have a beautiful name. ooo la la what color? i have always wanted an all black cat so i could be like a witch. because as we all know all witches have all black cats. duh. we are not allowed to have pets in our building, but who cares? no one will find out. our landlord has a big brown dog that is very cute but barks all day long. but the barking actually doesn't ever bother me, i kind of like it. and the other day i saw this woman walking her cat on a leash, and she wasn't a crazy lady! i plan on walking my cat on a leash too.